REFLECTORSI am so grateful for the encounters with these incredibly loving and nurturing souls. Those moments being seen and also being embodied by a reflector are the source of such beautiful co creation and growth. Thank you for being.This is what…


I am so grateful for the encounters with these incredibly loving and nurturing souls. Those moments being seen and also being embodied by a reflector are the source of such beautiful co creation and growth. Thank you for being.

This is what it is: You meet a reflector and more than with anybody else you will encounter yourself.

Reflectors are these mystic beings that are the rarest of all types making up 1% of the population. They are not just a non energy being, they are completly open. You put them in a room and they are the room. They mirror and amplify all that is in there. They are receptive and here to be a reflection of the world surrounding them. So taking in the energy of everybody around their power lies in choosing their environment.

Practically that means they need their own space. Ideally they have a bathtube, they will brighten up every room they want to socialze in, they will bring the flowers, light the candle, create a beautiful interior and also leave the table when the energy of the conversation doesnt feel right or allow themselves to not go to the wedding. It means changing the channel and choosing thyself. To advocate for themselves and their needs. Deep selfcare is the root of a flourishing life. For them it is the way to simple survival.

Reflectors seem to be the messengers between sky and earth reflecting the wellbeing of the whole community. Constantly being what others are might make it difficult to know who they themselves are. So its crucial for them to train their frequency. They are somebody else with everyone they meet, we all are, yet in this case they become the others. Retreat, alone time, rest is and emptying out are their treats to stay healthy, mentally and physically.

What I observed is that they often move between the extremes of total flowiness and structre and control. Their only way of defining who they are is defining their environent, the frame in which they then are impacted by, conditioned by. They often have super tidied up, beautiful homes, very structured schedules and work places. It is incredibly important for a reflector to set clear bounderies. In so many cases.

Since they came to life they sample experiences, they take in all these frequencies and impressions from everybody and everything. Every day. Imagine that richness of experience. That pool of knowledge they will share from when they become older.

They are empaths, they are healers, they are a sources of wisdom beyond imagination.

When they are in tune with what they need, they have the wisdom to know when to be present with someone and their pain and when to get the hell out of the situation because there’s too much chaos for them.

What needs to be trained is also the balancing act between choosing to retreat and owning their independence as well as the dependence. It is to be trained to open up to receive support and take the hand. It is possible to fully be independent and fully supported at the same time. Magic happens when they surrender, when they allow the universe to fully support them and with them the spark touches all of us.

Reflectors have their own pace. The decision making process is best to mull it over for about a month, or one moon cycle. It is important to not let anyone pressure to hurry up. This is what it needs. Experiencing, collecting data, emptying out and just taking that with what resonates with the core.

Although Reflectors have all their energy centers in receiving mode, they are the least likely of the types to be vulnerable to long term conditioning.

When living their design you feel surprised, in a fun way. When they are not living their design they feel disappointment, in drama and in grief for humanity. It is to make sure to feel like the best, most delighted version of themselves in their community. If they feel perpetually bored, unseen, stagnant, or disappointed, that’s a huge Reflector signpost that it’s time to let go and move on.

When you have a Reflector child, it’s so important to be patient with them and let them learn and grow at their natural pace. Give them space. They are highly sensitive and spiritual. Educate them about nature and the stars as they are incredible atuned to their influence. Teaching them this early on will have them used to wait for a whole moon cycle to reach a big decision. Expose them to as many experiences and people as possible to allow them to collect and then sort out what works well for them. Listen well. For the sake of their health and your owns.

They are your biggest teachers.

Carina Adam