The Energy Typ of the Manifesting Generator is a variety of the Generator. To the previous post I add here the differencies between the two.
Imagine a Hybrid of Manifestor and Generator: the lightening power and the fire that gets ignited, all that in one person. To me an aligned Manifesting Generators feels like a super human. So much energy, able to multi task in an breath taking way and their presence lighting the whole space.
Instead of the pure generator who is mastering one task or one ability at a time, MGs are often diving into many different worlds of doing.
They tend to not finish things, recalibrating the compass and going another way. It’s like they first have to dip their toe into the water to see if its warm enough for them.
Also as they are so fast they jsut can skip steps on the path. That also can come with a tendencie to be unprecise and they have to get back to make certain experiences.
Most of them are very good in handcraft and all in all they are very „physical“ beings. They need to use their body, move that huge amount of energy and bring it into form.
Because they are so hyper energetic they can get unpatient with their surrounding which by nature is slower. That can trigger anger, because they might be pressured to slow down to be able to work in a team. That requires compassion for all sides. When aligned they just can do or work more. And the rest of humanity has to accept they have a slower pace and that is okay too. We are all here to experience variety and celebrate our uniquness wich just is experiencable through contrast.
Yet also a MG can burn out not using their energy wisely. Negative thinking patterns and trying to achieve things from a place of lack fizzles out their beuatiful energy.
And then there also are these plateau moments, when also the MG has to wait to respond. When they still have to drop old beliefs to be able to receive the new. Imagine a dog in the park waiting to be finally unleashed! That feeling or also lying in bed at the end of the day, not able to fall asleep because the battery is not empty yet create frustration. So until they tap back into the state of satisfaction of doing and having done I recommend to be physical, to move their body, lovingly. Creating compassionate and passionate exhaustion.
For the parents with a MG kid: Let them be physical- allow pleasant exhaustion. Let them be free, allow them to express themselves, verbally and physically (freedom to make noises). Give them the permission to quit, ask yes/ no questions and give them things to respond to.
To find out about your type, you can go to
This is one of the data bases where you receive your chart with basic info for free.